Police in Berkshire

Please mention the Berkshire Express website if you contact these businesses.

If you have information about a crime, you can call anonymously to Crimestoppers.
To preserve your anonymity:-
- you will not be asked your name or phone number
- you do not need to go to a police station
- your phone call will not be recorded and will not be traced
The call is free, and you may be entitled to a reward (a unique code will be given you to use to when calling back or claiming any reward). Crimestoppers is operated by Crimestoppers Trust, a UK charity, in partnership with the police.
See our website
MINICOM Help Line01865 846 721
Police help line for hearing impaired people
Non-emergency Minor Crime Notification
You can use this Internet service to notify the Police of some types of minor crime committed in the UK:-
Theft - Criminal damage / vandalism - Theft from a motor vehicle - Damage to a motor vehicle (but not accidents or collisions)
If you use this service, the information will be sent to a police investigator but the notification may not be read immediately. For any other type of non-emergency incident contact your local police station.
In an emergency always dial 999
See our website

Pangbourne Police StationPangbourne69 Reading Rd, Pangbourne, Reading0118 984 5881
Reading Neighbourhood Watch[Bath Rd]Reading Police Station, Castle Hill, Reading0118 953 6250
Schemes run by the community, for the community, with support from the Police and from Reading Borough Council.
Reading Police StationReading centreCastle St, Reading0118 953 6000
Thames Valley Police HeadquartersKidlingtonOxford Rd, Kidlington, Oxon01865 846 000
In an emergency always dial 999. It's an emergency if a crime is being committed, there is a risk of injury or a risk of serious damage to property.
Email - you can email general enquiries to: webmaster@www.thamesvalley.police.uk
Recruitment - see the web site link below for police and special constable recruitment packs.
See our websiteFax 01865 846 160

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