Colleges and universitiesFurther education institutions
| Maidenhead | BCA | Burchetts Green | Hall Place, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead | 01628 824 444 | Berkshire college of Agriculture. Further and higher education and vocational qualifications.
Berkshire Learning & Skills Council | [Basingstoke Rd] | Pacific House, Imperial Way, Reading | 0800 496 3074 | The LSC is a public body responsible for the funding, planning and quality assurance of training through:- further education colleges, sixth forms, work-based training for young people, workforce development, adult & community learning, business/education partnerships
Click on the website link for a database of courses in your area of Berkshire. |
Thames Valley University | Cemetary Junction | Crescent Rd, Reading | 0118 967 5000 | The Reading campus of the university. Full and part time courses, from non-vocational short courses to a full honours degree.
| The University of Reading | [Basingstoke Rd] | PO Box 217, Whiteknights, Reading | 0118 987 5123 |
| Slough | East Berkshire College | Langley | Station Rd, Langley, Slough | 01753 793000 | A Levels, Diplomas, NVQs, HNDs, vocational training and leisure courses. Campuses at Langley, Windsor & Maidenhead.
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